IT assets management

Edition of the IT assets inventory and the technical schema

Uncia allows you to work on the technical layer by linking IT assets to each functional component of the diagram.

A system view allows you to switch from the application layer to the IT assets layer in one click.

Productivity boost

You fill in information once. Uncia takes care of the rest.

Work serenely in a standardized environment

You are insured to work with the last IT asset templates and work with the IT asset resources of your company. You can also link softwares to your IT assets thanks to the integrated products catalog.

Automatic generation of the different views

Uncia generates, thanks to the provided information, the IT assets table and the technical scheme.

Start your 7 day trial

Explore the capacity of Uncia during one week for free without engagement.
Contact us by completing the trial request form and we will reply within 48 hours with your credentials

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